About the Author
There is a hymn that I sang as a child with these lyrics: "On the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."
Little did I know at the time of my hymn-singing days that these words would ring so true in my life. I only have to imagine what I would be without Jesus and all I can see is a mess. I see a person trying to chase after happiness in all the ways that every human does, through things that promise to bring happiness. And yet that promise is a lie that leads to brokenness. The only thing that I have that brings me satisfaction in this world is my faith in Jesus Christ, the solid rock, and the hope and direction I receive from the Word of God, the bible.
I simply want to share that with you here, the solid Rock that keeps you from sinking sand. I'm not a fluffy girl, I'm a let's get to work and get to the heart of the matter kind of gal. This is the type of devotions you will find here, and they may seem dark, rich, and a bit bittersweet like a bite of dark chocolate. Just remember that dark chocolate is very good for you.
Dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants that work at getting rid of free radicals in the body. I hope that these devotions will encourage you to take in God's word because it is an antioxidant for your soul; cleansing it of the free radicals of sin so that you can live a life of abundance with Jesus.
A little bit about me. My physical life began in 1970. My spiritual life began in 1976. I have been reading my bible since I was a child, and the Holy Spirit has been molding me and shaping me with it ever since. My husband and I were married in June of 1992. We have three grown sons, who each have my heart and devotion. I love many creative endeavors such as decorating interior spaces, creating things with cloth and thread, collecting art supplies, photography, taking raw ingredients of foodstuff and making yummy combinations out of them. I love to learn, and my latest interest is nutrition and how to use Adobe Illustrator. My formal education includes three diplomas: high school, jr. college, and university. I have a BS in psychology. This means that I did a ton of reading and writing and need a lot more schooling to do my dream job. My dream job would have something to do with Marriage and Family therapy, but less clinical and more from the heart. Right now, my calling remains with caring for my family as one of them needs me to be there most of the time. God keeps me humble and shows me of his provision and care.... even when I have to squint to see it. I am always a piece of clay in the potter's hand. Isaiah 64:8
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